24 whys on a real slim shady Wednesday:
1) Why people will think everyday is Sunday?
2) Why people will not be doing the mistake for their last time?
3) Why people get over confident & think things are so easy?
4) Why people do the things correctly the first 2 times will expect the 3rd to be kacang?
5) Why people listen so easily to sweet talking & fell illogic?
6) Why people do not think straight when they are panic & rush?
7) Why people get lazy when they are happy?
8) Why people only think like themselves?
9) Why people want more than what they need?
10) Why people pass the motion & forget to flush properly?
11) Why people do not complete what they started?
12) Why people think making money is so easy?
13) Why people think saving money is so easy?
14) Why people do not know how to live if they never know near death?
15) Why people cannot want to do the job properly?
16) Why people like to waste time like no tomorrow?
17) Why people when income increase will pay more for same thing?
18) Why people forget the pain & struggle so easily?
19) Why people like to get scold then will do the things right?
20) Why people do not consider the big picture & their incompetence?
21) Why people do not dare to face the fack?
22) Why people do not count the sweat & blood for money?
23) Why people not do value money properly?
24) Why people like me is writing this?