Doing xxx about something & then doing something about it.
Rainy day and coup up in Kuching. Kuching weather is like this one, I witnessed a magnificent storm front chasing down the eastern horizon with no mercy a while ago. Then the rain came, flinging down all the cats and dogs from heaven to down below. I once read a book, written by Kuching people, the writer seems to be "female-dogging" a.k.a. b1tching about the rainy weather in Kuching, and here I am, also biatching about the rainy weather.
Truth is, I like rainy weather, if it floods, I don't have to go to school. Now that's really old-skool. Usually school don't flood in this millenium anymore. & i've been out of school for eons.
So... What to do in the rainy weather?
1) Write a blog log such as this
2) Watch TV? the dish might get electrocuted
3) Call up your Kuching friend who is also caught in the rain? las time I use to do this but now no.
4) Tidy up your room?
5) Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain (hmmm. . . sounds interesting)
6) ZZZ