Wednesday, April 13, 2011

20110413: The Choices We Make in Our Life

First choice of the day, whether we make a decision to wake up or keep snuck up in bed until the alarm snooze-off. Arosen from dreamland on a cold morning, the sun is already up but the rain keeps it cool... the April rainy season is here for another year.

Coffee or tea, do we order teh tarik or nescafe for that jolt of energy? that flows over during brushing of our teeth. As the morning progress decison decisons decisions. Little decisions we make each day stake-up to the choices we made or will make in life.

What we wear, the colour of our cloths, pants & shoes. Many would argue the importance of fengshui and how people preceive what's on our back, the car we drive & translate them into our behaviour, hint of our preference and what our future beholds.

What we've read in magazines, may in fact unconsciously bump our head into our action further down the road. Humanity is possibily the least of the things we worried about in the present tense, but after things fall into places and it doesn't suit our choice we suddenly realized, we hate it.

Mirroring what we do through our thoughts and controlling actions, as the seconds passus by we may not know what have happened. Until one day we suddenly awaken, "Is the mirror showing our true self or just a projection?" The face we see we must have forgotten, or the cataracts in our eyes, blurred our vision.

As life progress & profess itself all through the years, the world around it also changed & evolved, whether it's turning to better or worst... The things we do today tomorrow and there after, they all boil down to the choices we make, made & will make in our lives. Do we want others to make it for us? Can other people define us better than ourselves?

Who are to be responsible for our lives if not ourselves?
Who are to be blamed for our lives if not ourselves

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