It's World Cup season & I've been staying up late and sleeping up late. In the middle of the night, I have to watch everything I do. I have to do carefully & quietly as delicate as possible; like thieves in a temple, as quiet as can be. This is to prevent from disturbing my surrounding people.

Walk more softly like creeping soft-footed ballet,
Spoke like having sore throat, then your friend give you a weird look.
Use of sign language & eye contact,
Not let things fall on floor or even touch the floor,
Not flushing the toilet to reduce water flowing sound down below,
When drinking the cup put down slowly,
Not turning on the light in case people want to come complain they see no people,
Turning the key more slowly to reduce clicking sound when going out for pass midnight supper,
Closing the rusty door softly.
Turn on/ off the light softly.
Cannot take out my chips from plastic bag & open like normally,
Totally chatting/congratulating your friend on the phone is a NO NO.
Need to soft-type on the computer. D4mn ! ! !
Anyway, one thing icantelyu straiaway that people are mad world cup season, even those not watching it.
Understandable for those watching ones. We can see coffee shop with local & many foreign workers alike standing sitting squatting or stretching their neck to catch a free glimpse of the play. People shouting "GOALL" due to cannot see properly from far away & the smiling bystanderonlooker correcting the situation information.
I was quite surprise to see baby still awake at midnight & their overactive siblings disturbing the baby chair. I wonder if they will grow up to be a football star, or just a nerd with deep eyes problem from all the TV watching. (Eye is a good industry here too... hmmm.)
Anyway, it is better to shout with the mob then doing thieves in the temple at your own home.
Tsk tsk tsk . . .
Revision (20100710):
Saw a heart warming pair of father and son amongst the football watching crowd. They were sitting side by side on stool at the lawn outside coffee shop. Eyes glued to the screen. This pair of Chinese new immigrant father and son is soaking in the Sg World Cup culture. Sort of something to pass down from generation to generation. :-)
Walk more softly like creeping soft-footed ballet,
Spoke like having sore throat, then your friend give you a weird look.
Use of sign language & eye contact,
Not let things fall on floor or even touch the floor,
Not flushing the toilet to reduce water flowing sound down below,
When drinking the cup put down slowly,
Not turning on the light in case people want to come complain they see no people,
Turning the key more slowly to reduce clicking sound when going out for pass midnight supper,
Closing the rusty door softly.
Turn on/ off the light softly.
Cannot take out my chips from plastic bag & open like normally,
Totally chatting/congratulating your friend on the phone is a NO NO.
Need to soft-type on the computer. D4mn ! ! !
Anyway, one thing icantelyu straiaway that people are mad world cup season, even those not watching it.
Understandable for those watching ones. We can see coffee shop with local & many foreign workers alike standing sitting squatting or stretching their neck to catch a free glimpse of the play. People shouting "GOALL" due to cannot see properly from far away & the smiling bystanderonlooker correcting the situation information.
I was quite surprise to see baby still awake at midnight & their overactive siblings disturbing the baby chair. I wonder if they will grow up to be a football star, or just a nerd with deep eyes problem from all the TV watching. (Eye is a good industry here too... hmmm.)
Anyway, it is better to shout with the mob then doing thieves in the temple at your own home.
Tsk tsk tsk . . .
Revision (20100710):
Saw a heart warming pair of father and son amongst the football watching crowd. They were sitting side by side on stool at the lawn outside coffee shop. Eyes glued to the screen. This pair of Chinese new immigrant father and son is soaking in the Sg World Cup culture. Sort of something to pass down from generation to generation. :-)