Hey old timer, what will you do after you get that pot of GOLD?
(A collection of options when I reach that age.)
1) Alone Ah Pek at terminal
Good after noon sir, are you traveling alone?
Where is your wife, children or grand children?
Are you waiting for your friend or sibling?
It's a sunny day today, the plane here & I'll be gone,
Have a good journey and Bon Voyage.
2) Tee Oo oo Obasan
This is the filial piety pledge shown in mass multimedia to educate the Sg people I guess. In the current society where the parents expect that the salary receiving teachers in school are resposible to teach their children everything, the National Something Society created this short film often shown in cinema & sometimes TV.
Opening scene, old grandmother carrying the picture of grandfather & move into the flat of the only son's three-some family.
Scene 2, grandmother complain chicken is too hard and vomit it out of her mouth "So hard wanna kill me issit." "Mother I go buy fish poridge for you to eat." While the daughter in law throw the hard chicken into the thrash, the only grandson slam chopsticks on table & grandma looks on apologeticly.
Scene 3, grandmother took her luggage & wanna moved to her sister's place in red mountain while the son tried to stop her. Keypo, neighbours looked on while annoyed grandson slammed door & listen to music on earphone.
Scene 4, doctor talking to son, grandmother got terminal illness.
Scene 5, in hospital grandmother is bed ridden, daughter in law going to toilet while asking husband to accompany the sick old lady, & also asking the grandson to accompany his father. Grandson say, "Grandma treat you & mother like sh1t, why you still treat her so good."
Then the taxi driver son start to sing Tee Oo oo to the mother. Memory recall that last time the son was sick on a rainy day, then the mother carry her in the rain from house to hospital all soaking wet, when arrived at the hospital, the missy ask her to wait "Everyone coming here is sick, please wait your turn." So the mother sing Tee Oo oo to the sick son to comfort him while waiting the turn to be served. Son open eyes and looks like feeling better.
Scene 6, son still singing to grandmother in hospital, she in coma and cannot open her eyes but tears stream down. while grandson looks on.
3) Kueh Tiaw Ah Pek
"If I hang up my wok, I'll die already."
4) White Shoes Ah Pek
"Today sure is sunny hot. Yesterday was a cloudy day, my game of golf went pretty swell."
5) Nice Aunties offering help
"Do you need some "hong ew"? I have it somewhere in my bag." :-)